How to Get Rid of Crickets: A Guide

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Did you know that crickets can live for as long as 90 days? Crickets can become a serious problem if you let them run free in your home. Learning how to get rid of crickets isn't as hard as you'd expect.

A few tips and tricks can help you manage your cricket problem. But where should you start? Keep reading and learn more about how to fix your cricket problem fast.

How to Identify Crickets in Your Home

Crickets look similar to many different types of insects.

It is important to make sure you're dealing with crickets before you start treating the problem. You can identify crickets in a variety of ways.

You can also look for signs of a cricket infestation. Crickets are usually brown with yellow tones. They also have three dark bands or stripes on their heads.

They always have six legs and oblong bodies. Crickets are slightly less than an inch long. They have two long antennas on their heads and can be found across the United States.

They have long, thin wings that rest flat against their backs. You can distinguish between adult crickets and nymphs (young crickets) by the presence of the wings. Nymphs do not have wings but they will develop them as they grow older.

Crickets are similar to cockroaches in that they are very resilient and can survive almost anywhere. Crickets prefer to live outside when the weather is warm. You will often hear them chirping at night during the summer.

Crickets are attracted to a variety of things such as garbage and lights. Similar to moths, swarms of crickets gather around lights. Hundreds of crickets may sometimes climb on top of each other to get closer to electric lights.

This is often seen on lamp posts and lights attached to buildings.

The Details

The problem with crickets is that they don't like when the temperatures drop. They prefer to find warmer areas to survive during the autumn and winter.

This is when most crickets try to infiltrate homes and other buildings. These structures are warm and also have moisture and food. This makes it easy for the crickets to survive and reproduce.

The problem is that once crickets start reproducing in your home, you could have a serious problem. Crickets can lay countless eggs in a short period, and it doesn't take long for those eggs to hatch. This will leave your home a breeding ground for hundreds or thousands of crickets.

This will make your job of getting rid of them much harder. This is why getting rid of crickets before they become a problem is preferred. Crickets don't like to be out in the daylight.

They prefer to be in dark areas during the day. They become more active when the sun sets. This is also true if they move into your house.

You may notice more stray crickets in your home during the evening. This is when they feel safer and more adventurous. It is harder to find them during the day since they like to hide in crevices and under furniture.

How to Identify a Cricket Infestation

It can be hard to identify a cricket infestation if you don't know the basic signs. Crickets are very good at hiding since they have many predators out in the wild. Snakes, birds, frogs, and other animals often consume crickets.

Crickets have evolved to be very good at hiding in small, dark areas. They also prefer warm, moist areas as this environment is perfect for reproduction. You will have an idea that your house is infested if you start finding crickets in your home.

Don't be fooled if you find only one cricket. One cricket may seem innocent enough, but there are likely more hiding nearby. That one cricket may represent hundreds or thousands more hiding in your home.

A clear sign of an infestation is when you start finding several crickets throughout your home. They may gather under pieces of furniture or in cracks in the floors or walls. You may also find them in your drawers, cabinets, and other locations.

Crickets are known to love bathrooms and kitchens. This is because these are warm, moist environments. They may gather in bathtubs and sinks too.

Look out for chirping as well. Male crickets chirp to attract females. They chirp by rubbing their wings together very fast.

What You Need to Know

It is rare to hear the chirping sound during the day. This is because male crickets are more likely to belt out their mating call during the night. Hearing more than one chirp in your home at night is a big problem.

This means that your cricket problem may have already gotten out of control. You can also look for signs of damage on pieces of fabric or furniture. Crickets like to chew on things with their sharp mandibles.

Curtains, blankets, and tablecloths may look ragged on the edges. There may also be holes throughout the pieces of fabric. These marks may be hard to see since they are very small.

You can see them better with a magnifying glass if you suspect that crickets are eating your fabrics. You can also look for cricket droppings around your house. Cricket droppings look like small black balls.

You can differentiate them from termite droppings by their color. Termite droppings are often light brown or yellow. Cricket droppings often accumulate in corners and tight spaces.

You may notice them on windowsills or in the corners of your rooms. You may also find them along the edges of cabinets, inside cabinets, and in spaces that are not often trafficked. If you find a large pile of cricket droppings, this is a sign that the crickets have already been living in your home for some time.

If there are only a few droppings, you should act fast. You can stop the problem before it gets any worse. But what can you do to stop your cricket problem?

Should you call pest control services? Should you try DIY methods like making your own cricket repellent?

How to Get Rid of Crickets

There are many pest control methods for crickets, but not all of them are effective. You might try some and find that there are still crickets hopping around your house. But you can avoid this problem by starting with the right solution.

You don't have to hire an expensive professional to clear out your house. You can instead sign up for a DIY pest control subscription. Such a subscription provides you with a DIY at home pest spray that you can use as you desire.

This gives you the freedom to take care of your pest problem without hiring a professional. It also saves you money since these subscriptions are not as costly as professional services. You can choose a pest spray that is tailored to your pest problem.

This makes it easy to target the pests in your home and get rid of them for good. You can start by filling out a questionnaire. Type in your zip code along with information regarding your insect problem.

This will narrow down your options and leave you with the best recommendations. The recommendations are for very high-quality pest control sprays. These are often used by pest control professionals.

These pesticides are very potent and often kill all the critters in your home soon after using them. This subscription service will send you the pest spray as soon as you need it. It will then continue sending supplies at the beginning of every month.

This prevents pest problems too. Once you get rid of the crickets in your home, they may come back if they find your home to be an attractive place to live.

What to Know

Repeated treatments will make your home a noxious place for crickets to be.

They will instead look elsewhere to live. Each treatment will last up to 60 days, but this is mainly dependent on the climate in which you live. Our experts help determine the frequency that is best for you and set you up to get more pesticides when you  need them again.

It is easy to use the spray too. It should come with a label with instructions. It is important to use the gloves that are provided when using this pesticide.

Getting this substance on your hands can irritate or damage your skin. You should also wear a mask if you think you may accidentally inhale this substance. Wearing a long-sleeved shirt and long pants is also recommended to protect your skin.

It is best to spray the product around doors and other entryways. Spraying it around the home's foundation will also create a protective perimeter around your home. This will kill whatever crickets may be nearby.

It will also drive away any other crickets that may be in the area. This pest spray is safe as long as you use it properly. You should keep kids and pets away from the spray when it is wet.

Using the Spray Safely

You should also not touch or breathe in the substance while it's wet. But once it dries over the hour, it will be very safe. It will soak into the materials that you sprayed it on.

This ensures that it won't get on your skin or clothes. But make sure you don't put this substance near water sources like fountains or wells. Don't spray it into drains or still water.

Avoid spraying it on plants like flowers as well. Do not get the spray anywhere near your mouth. Ingesting any amount of pesticide is always dangerous.

There are many different sprays you can choose from when starting this subscription. You might have a cricket problem now, but you won't know if you'll have a spider or silverfish problem in the future.

This subscription makes it easy to do away with whatever pests you might have in your home. This subscription also covers other pests such as scorpions, ants, and more. Such a subscription makes it easy to keep your home safe and pest-free.

Why Is It Important to Get Rid of Crickets?

Many people think that crickets are harmless creatures, but this is not true. Crickets can cause all sorts of damage in your home when left unchecked. Crickets don't bite and they won't harm your health.

But they can ruin your furniture and other items. Crickets love fabrics such as wool, silk, and cotton. You might look in your closet one day and notice that many of your clothes are destroyed because of crickets.

They will chew through these materials and leave holes and other forms of damage. They can also make the fabric appear rough and torn. They do this by eating and pulling out strands of fabric.

This may also damage your curtains, tablecloths, and any other pieces of fabric you have in your home. The droppings they leave can harm various objects too. These droppings may leave stains on tablecloths and clothes you stored in drawers or at the bottom of your closet.

They can also get into your shoes and ruin other objects. It is best to fix your cricket problem before it gets to this point. Having crickets in your home is also not a very comforting thought.

You never know when you might find some of them crawling over your eating utensils. You might find them inside bags of cereal and other food as well. Crickets may lay eggs in your food as well.

This would create a bigger and more serious problem. Once crickets start to multiply, it is harder to get rid of them. But if you catch the problem early, you can make sure that your home remains cricket-free.

How to Fix Your Cricket Problem

Learning how to get rid of crickets starts by identifying a cricket infestation. You can do this by listening for chirps and looking for crickets or cricket droppings. You can fix the problem by getting a DIY pest spray subscription.

This makes it easy to get all the pesticides you need to handle your pests. To learn more about how it works, check out our subscription service.

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