How Do Fruit Flies Appear So Suddenly in Your Home

Posted by Remedy on

Often, it can seem as if fruit flies spawned from the ripe fruit you have sitting on your counter.

While this hasn't ever been the case, it's not far from the truth. How do fruit flies appear, though? How can you get rid of them once they've entered your home?

Luckily, we have all the answers you need and more. Read on to learn everything you need to know.

How Do Fruit Flies Appear?

So, how exactly do fruit flies appear? There are a few different ways fruit flies can make their way into your home.

Their Strong Sense of Smell

Often, they can smell their way into your home. They have a highly-acute sense of smell, and they can detect when something is even slightly fermenting. So, if you keep fruit out regularly, these flies are going to want a taste.

Snuck Inside

Fruit flies are also small, so they can squeeze their way through even the tiniest of cracks or holes. Once they get inside, they can (and will) start laying eggs and reproducing immediately.

They're Inside Fruit

Finally, did you know they can lay eggs inside fruit?

Since adults are so tiny, it's possible for eggs to find their way into your fruits or vegetables at the grocery store. You could be carrying them inside your home without knowing until they've started appearing.

So, while scientists debunked them spontaneously appearing from fruit, they can still come out of it.

What Do They Eat?

Fruit fly larvae feed on yeast growing from fermenting items. While this is most commonly associated with fruit, the truth is that fruit flies can infest any rotting material.

This can even mean standing water, sponges, or wet mopheads. It's the perfect place for them to lay their eggs and begin infesting your home.

Life Cycle

Fruit flies have three stages of development before adulthood:

  • Egg
  • Larva
  • Pupa

Both the egg and larval stages span around eight days, while the pupal stage lasts around six, for a total of around two weeks. The length of time can also depend on the season. In the summer, adults can emerge from the pupae in as little as seven days, while during the winter it can take up to several months.

After that, they can live for up to several weeks.


In those few weeks, however, they can lay up to 500 eggs. Fruit flies can begin breeding in as little as a few hours after they've matured, and eggs can be laid about 24 hours later.

If fruit fly infestations aren't addressed as soon as possible, this can lead to bigger problems down the road.

Are They Dangerous?

While fruit flies aren't physically dangerous, they can transfer diseases fairly easily. They often can spread from one region to another through the transport of food, meaning they can also carry any potential diseases they may have with them.

Some of the bacteria they can carry include e.coli, salmonella, and even listeria. All three of these can cause food poisoning, which, if severe enough, can land you in the hospital.

On the other end, eating rotting fruit can also give you food poisoning. In most cases, you're fine to eat food that fruit flies have landed on. However, if you notice an abundance of these pests on your food or produce in your home, it might be best to get rid of them.

Whether it's due to the fruit flies or the chance that fruits or vegetables have begun to go bad, it's better to be safe than sorry.

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies

If you have a fruit fly problem, you'll likely need to take a special approach to get rid of them.

An insect spray is great for killing adults, but it won't stop the eggs from hatching and reproducing further. A holistic approach to getting rid of these bugs is best. Here are a few ways you can do exactly that.

Look for Breeding Grounds

Checking for spots they might like to reproduce around your home is a great first step to take. Whether it's sticky spills, a moist mophead, or rotting food on the counters, it's important to keep everything that might attract them out of your home.

You'll also want to check under kitchen appliances, and even inside or under your refrigerator. Fruit and vegetables aren't the only places fruit flies might go to lay their eggs, and it's essential to eliminate any breeding grounds.

Clean Your Drains

Next, you'll want to make sure all your drains are clean. Cleaning drains is as simple as pouring boiling water into them. If you notice fruit flies living around here, though, you can take an extra step. There are also special products just for this type of infestation.

Tape a plastic food storage bag over the top of your drain and leave it there overnight. Adult fruit flies will attempt to fly out of the drain and get trapped. In the morning, you can remove the bag and any insects that found their way inside.

Try Remedy

If you need a tougher remedy, our DIY pest control kits are a great way to go. With our expertise, we'll send you a custom solution to get rid of fruit flies in no time.

To get started, we'll need your zip code and home information. This will help us decide which treatment might be most effective, and how much product we'll need to send you. From there, you can select a plan that best fits your time and budget and have it delivered to your door.

It's important to remember, though, that fruit fly infestations can be particularly hard to get rid of. If you notice any difficulties in getting rid of your infestation with our products, be sure to contact us so we can provide further support.

Fruit Fly Prevention

Once you've gotten rid of an infestation, you'll want to take every precaution possible to prevent them from coming back. Here are a few of the best ways you can do that.

Seal Things Up

Since they're so small, sealing up even the tiniest of cracks around your home can make a big difference. By limiting the number of places they can sneak in, you won't be as likely to notice them randomly.

Wash and Inspect Your Fruit

When you bring produce home from anywhere, it's best to carefully inspect it for any damage or bruising. Before you put it away, be sure to wash it well and check for eggs that might've made their way in. If you notice anything, remove it immediately and store everything properly.

To store produce properly, it's actually best to place things in the fridge. This helps to slow the ripening process while preventing fruit flies. Not only will your fruit last longer, but you won't have to worry about unwelcome pests.

If you do place fruit on the counter, be sure that it's consumed within a few hours.

Keep Everything Clean

Finally, you'll need to ensure you're properly and thoroughly cleaning food preparation areas. Fruit flies can notice tiny pieces of produce or small spills quickly, so it's best to care for things like this as soon as possible.

That means caring for the dishes, your counters, tables, and any small appliances are essential to keeping these pests out. Not only can it help prevent fruit flies, but it can help your kitchen and everything inside it last a lot longer than it otherwise might have.

Tend to Sponges and Dishcloths

We've touched on things like mop heads, but it's also essential to tend to your cleaning utensils. Not only are fruit flies attracted to this moisture, but they'll also go after small bits of food trapped in the brush, sponge, or dishcloth. It's best to place these items into the washer or dishwasher as soon as they've been used.

If needed, pour boiling water over bottle brushes or other utensils that can handle it. The more often you disinfect these items, the cleaner your tools will stay and the healthier your kitchen can remain.

Don't Neglect Pest Control

When it comes to learning about aspects of pest control, like "How do fruit flies appear" and (most importantly) how you can get rid of them, it's important to learn before an infestation hits. If you can spot the early warning signs of an infestation, you can learn to take care of it before things get out of hand. Luckily, you don't have to do it alone.

Our DIY pest control kits are here to help you. Check out our solutions to get started with finding the best plan for you and your needs.

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